What 2020 has taught me, by Noelle, Owner/Chef
Mission Statement: Fresh from the Kitchen creates an experience that comes with exquisite service, exceptional food, amazing quality, and foods free of hormones, pesticides, and additives. We are committed to have every event be exceptionally beautiful, stress free, and memorable. We keep current with trends combined with modern presentation techniques to create seamless parties. Fresh from the Kitchen stands apart in experience, celebrity client list, and countless industry awards and recognition.
Vision Statement: To continue executing our mission by having every person on our team grow in their culinary, service, and/or sales talents; expand the company client list to catering for over 10 global celebrities; and continue with the company’s motto “a taste of perfection!” by becoming the largest most successful woman and black owned catering business in Arizona.

2020 is almost over, and I don’t think there is one person on this planet that isn’t okay with this. This year has been the hardest business year I have ever had. It has kept me up at night. It has made me cry, on multiple occasions. It has made me wonder how much can I give to others, before I can’t anymore? It has definitely made me question if being a business owner is worth it. What it hasn’t done though, is broken me.
I have learned I can be resourceful; a beacon of hope to others; I can push the envelope in creativity; I won’t sacrifice integrity; if I lack the experience, I make up for it in enthusiasm; I am not lazy; I will advocate for your event vision and success; I will work hard to make sure you are happy. These blessings that I have learned can also be said of the team that is here. The team that makes up FFTK. This year has been so different for all of us. We have been sad, we’ve cried together, we have laughed, we have stayed home when we had too. We’ve worn masks even when it was boiling hot outside and we were at an event. But most importantly we have been there for each other, just like we will be there for YOU, the client. We hope the effects of Covid-19 literally blow over, and put our industry back at its peak. We all desperately miss serving our community through glorious food. Fresh from the Kitchen is so passionate about serving up good food, pretty food, tasty food, and the reality is, your business is our livelihood. So why choose us?

Truthfully speaking, there are other companies in the Valley that are larger; have been serving the Valley longer; and have a bigger team of individuals at their disposal. So, perhaps compared to them, we seem insignificant. Thankfully, despite the competition, we are not here to fit in, only stand out. Our smaller company can cater large events. Fun fact in 2015 we catered the Maxim Magazine Superbowl Party for 1500 guests (and have catered many other prestigious and large events since)!! The greater Phoenix area, surrounding cities, and Northern Arizona has only had the privilege of Fresh from the Kitchen being here 12 years. That isn’t even 2 decades. Nevertheless, when you add up the team’s experience as a whole, it surpasses two decades of experience. We may be small but we are mighty. What comes with working with a smaller company you may wonder? More personal attention. Getting to sit with the owner, and perhaps have a glass of wine as you go about creating a menu you love. Sharing experiences of travel and family, just because we have the time to care and listen to you. Being a person, and not just another number or catering quota. Not to mention the cost savings you get to experience. A smaller company can give you more value for cost. Not because we have cheaper pricing, but because we have a little less overhead, and we can thus extend that into our pricing. A smaller team means you can expect consistency. You will get the same familiar friendly face smiling and happy to set up your event. You will get small batch delicious cooking that resembles a favorite dish you enjoy, instead of a massed produced institutionalized quality and flavor of food. When you work with the small business that wants to be a small business, you are working with a person that sees people, not numbers. We cook with our heart at Fresh from the Kitchen, because it is everything we have, and our integrity demands you experience all we can give.
There are not many women owned black owned catering companies in Arizona trying to do what I do. In fact, I believe I would be correct in saying there are none that do what I do. The company motto, “a taste of perfection!” has been the motto since the birth of the company. And myself, and my team, we are not perfect people; but we will give you perfection at its best every time, because it is what we live up to as a whole. So, Covid-19 is a bully, 2020 is a gutter year, but I will work harder than anyone for YOU as the client. Let us all remain healthy, loving, kind, and above all persevere. Fresh from the Kitchen deserves to be around another decade or two at least. So, please when considering supporting small businesses in Arizona, consider Fresh from the Kitchen your local “taste of perfection!”
connect: 602-694-2878
write: corinne@freshfromthekitchenllc.com
owner’s phone: 602-694-1197
owner’s email: info@freshfromthekitchenllc.com