The Learning Curve

When selecting a caterer, especially when you have never worked with one, there is a learning process that one must go through. It requires listening, humility, patience, and trust.

Although this is your event, and you are the purchaser and final decision maker, listening to the caterer and what they suggest is important because they are the professional that has done this many times before.

Being humble is also required. One can not simply assume that they are right or know better than the professional. Perhaps you really do want to serve forty different appetizers to your guest list of ten. Is this good for a caterer? Yes, this means a lot of money for them. Is it practical? No. A good caterer will guide you in the process, helping you make practical decisions that can be money saving, or just logistically sound. Do you have to listen? No; but that is where humility comes in. A good caterer, like Fresh from the Kitchen, will help you arrive at a solution that serves the greater good of all. But, if you insist on having forty different appetizers for ten guests, on our part, we will give you what you want.

Patience is a virtue. We have all heard that before. But some patience is needed as menus, quotes, and other things such as rentals or decor are put together to help finalize your overall vision. A good company will be quick to get these to you, or at least keep you informed of the status of your request.

Trust. Trust that your caterer knows what they are doing. If you don’t feel that they do, should you hire them to begin with? Sometimes it is tempting to “school” someone whether you know what you’re talking about or not. Trust that your caterer has already gone to school for you, so that as they suggest, adjust, and execute your needs, they are only doing what is best for you as the client.

At Fresh from the Kitchen we strive to connect, to understand, to build lasting relationships, and make for happy clients for a lifetime! We would be more than happy to be your selection for your next catered event.